These gallery links are primarily intended as a "painting friendly" resource,
initially intended for student reference or the painter trying to find their place amidst the art world milieu, and to combat
false and/or short sighted stereotypes of what contemporary art is... by the way, if you think you know what contemporary
art is you probably are not really paying attention to it, or you are letting someone else do the looking for you. ...are
you letting me do the looking for you?!?
Each gallery represents at least a few contemporary artists with work that I deem "painting-friendly."
This is hard evidence of the viability of painting on the gallery level (a type of evidence that painting itself doesn't
really need, but some of us humans do). I hope it serves as an encouragement to painters interested in art's more timeless
wholistic qualities (the timeless is always of this time).
Some may see my list as too broad, some might see it as too narrow... All these galleries
show at least a few artists each that I think are pretty good or at least interesting... some of the artists in these galleries
fall pretty flat to me (commercial viability seems to have nothing to do with artistic viability).
If my list seems lacking in
any way, I highly encourage you to make your own list and post it on the internet (this comment is not meant to be mean spirited)...
or you could check out the other gallery hubs I have listed (these people have way more time on their hands - as evidenced
by their more internet friendly operations). Enjoy!
Jay's Gallery Selection
55 Mercer Gallery, NY
303 Gallery
Alexandre Gallery, NY
Alpha Gallery, Boston
Ameringer McEnry Yohe, NY
Babcock Galleries, NY
Betty Cuningham Gallery, Chelsea NY
Blue Mountain Gallery, Chelsea NY
Bowery Gallery, Chelsea NY
Bridgette Mayer Gallery, Philadelphia
Cheim & Reid, Chelsea NY
Crown Point Press, San Francisco
David Findlay Jr, NY
David Klein Gallery, Birmingham MI
DC Moore Gallery, NY
Elizabeth Harris Gallery, Chelsea NY
First Street Gallery, Chelsea NY
Fredericks & Freiser Gallery, Chelsea NY
Gagosian Gallery
George Billis, Chelsea NY and LA
Gross McCleaf, Philadelphia
HS Howard Scott Gallery
Kehler Liddel Gallery, New Haven
Lohin Geduld, Chelsea NY
Lori Bookstein Fine Art, NY
Marlborough Gallery, Chelsea NY
Nabi Gallery, Chelsea NY
Neilsen Gallery, Boston
Oxbow Gallery, Northampton MA
The Pace Gallery, NY
The Painting Center, Chelsea NY
Plane Space Gallery, NY
Paul Thiebaud Gallery, NY & SF
Prince Street Gallery, Chelsea NY
Robert Steele Gallery, NY
Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects
Tibor de Nagy, NY
Jay Noble
Paintings and Drawings